Tuesday, September 3, 2013


Serendipity means to find something good without even looking for it.

It's totally different from the malay proverb, "Seperti orang mengantuk, disorongkan bantal"

In brief, serendipity is like something happened and it pleased you without you dreaming for it, or in an unexpected situation, something good occurred.

A surprised birthday party perhaps.

Serendipity is full of the essence of "surprise", to explain it better.

Once, a friend asked me, what is the meaning of being happy?

The word "serene" came to me. I snatched my sketchbook from my mini wooden shelf, where I keep most of my important stuffs and books, and started turning from one page to another, until I stopped at "Bismillah" khat, that I was doodling about a month ago. Pleasure or state of being happy, comes from the Lord. 

On two different events, it linked me to both of these words, "serenity" and "serendipity".

Both words relate to pleasure whereby serenity is something you need to find, and serendipity, well, you don't even need to try. It comes down rolling to you.

Serenity is like trying to find heaven.

Serendipity is like you already are in heaven without asking for it.

We know which one is reality.

"For them will be the Home of Peace with their Lord. And He will be their protecting friend because of what they used to do (righteousness)."

[Al-'An'am, 6: 127]

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