Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Wordless Wednesday #4

This is so true. Been there, and I swear it wasn't great at all.

sudutkiri: On a break while completing two reports that need to be submitted tomorrow, I feel the urge to post something on this blog. A stress reliever and something to kill my break time. Though it's still tuesday. Alhamdulillah, everything I read last night came out in the geology test this morning.


Mia said...

You're taking Electrical?

izhar kasim said...

yeah, sort of. just the basic stuffs when I was in mechanical...

VIR, kirchhoff, electrical fundamental...

Mia said...

So, you're actually taking Mechanical?

lol the fundamentals of Electrical engineering that'll haunt me for life, haha.

izhar kasim said...

was taking mechanical. now i'm in civil...

elec fundamental. I never ever gonna take that subject anymore..eventually, civil engin doesn't have to take it..

a relief -__-"

Mia said...

You're allowed to change courses? Nice.

I wish I could take Chemical. Always loved that field, since form 4, mainly to the teacher who inspired me.

Ohh well. Electrical pun Electrical la. Haha. :P

*okay, that doesn't seem right, lol*

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