Sunday, December 18, 2011

Life: Final Exam

Final starts next week on Friday.

Hypothesis, the nearer the final exam, the more time you spend on something useless.

Hypothesis accepted.

I spent my free time with going out, watching movie and sleep. Supposedly this time of the year, my enthusiasm to face the final exam boosts up but the opposite is happening. Though all assignments were done and what's left is just a couple of essays that need to be submitted next week.

The gap is long and I've only two classes left. I don't know what's wrong. Probably everything is going well according to my plan and all these make me laid back and relax.

Wahai hati, jangan kalah kepada benda lagha. I've to keep my will strong. 3 months have passed and now it's the end of semester. If I fall here after all the hard works, I'll be unfair to myself.

Final? Challenge accepted.

Some of you probably done with your papers. Happy holiday but to those who are still struggling and pull out an all nighter for the exams, good luck. Jia you !! Gambatte !! Fighting !!

Berhati-hati dengan hati :)


Anonymous said...

gud luck der ! ;D

syazwansanosi said...

gud luck wey ! insyaALLAH bley ! ;D

izhar kasim said...

tengkiu der and encik wan...haha

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