Thursday, April 19, 2012

Poetry: A Rose

Hello again Poetry !

It's been a while since I posted a poetry on this blog. There was one day, I'd been thinking, I might have lost interest in pursuing my goal though it's still early in the year to give up something I've set my mind on to. I think I'm a lost cause. Then, by accident I found this poem. Actually, what Elizabeth described when she wrote this poem caught my attention.

I sat for a moment. Life has been great, why bother complicating small things in the first place? I rolled up in my comfy blanket and slept. Because people say, when you've got unnecessary things on your mind, sleep for a while and pretend it's all a dream. Works for me, at least.


I love roses. The problem is, they have thorns. One day I was thinking of how a rose's thorns can hurt, but a rose is still a beautiful flower, and I also thought of how life can hurt but also is still great.

People don't hesitate to pick a rose despite the fact that the thorns can prick them, just as they should not be afraid to take risks because they might be hurt - Elizabeth

A lovely rose with petals soft
A scent so sweet and light
So beautiful a flower
With colors shining bright.
But something not so savory
About the fragrant rose -
The thorns, so sharp upon the stem,
That sharpen as it grows.
Yet still lovely is the flower
Despite the thorns that prick
Just as life and love are sweet
They too have thorns that stick.
But do not fear to live or love,
Life's not exempt from pain -
So pick a rose, you may get hurt,
But you will also gain!

By Elizabeth

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