Felix Baumgartner, an Austrian, is a new legend, more like an insane man to some people. Today, as I sat in front of the computer, waiting for 2 hours (not literally, huhu) since the live show began, just to watch another world's record being made.
I couldn't imagine being in Felix's place. Jumping from a 3 meters springboard is quite scary for some of us. How about 120000 feet high and land on solid earth? You might pee in your pants along the way. Needless to say, death. Riding Behemoth at Canada's Wonderland has already took my breath away.
Most people are concerned, not about the possible scientific discovery, not that he will break the world's record but will he make it alive? Seeing him landed on his two feet, my heart is relieved. You gotta praise this man. Anyhow, some things just don't make sense to us. Some are barely possible. But another history being made just now as I watched it with my own eyes, so the big lesson today, what's your excuse?
Congratulation Felix. So, bungee jumping anyone?
It's funny the minute he landed, someone already posted this picture on facebook.
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