Sunday, July 28, 2013


It's quite a mood-depressing time when you can't focus on keeping one thing at hand. I have a special knack for "distracting myself" with something, even aimlessly imagining the perfect scene for cartoon characters. So I took a personality test, after so long of not doing so.

I am an INFP.

Introvert, Intuitive, Feeling and Perceiver.

I just read a whole lot of descriptions for INFP kind of people, and it totally contradicts to what I'm doing right now. I was called an idealist.

The thing is, when you read that whole lot of something describing what you are, in a perpetuated sense when almost all of them match perfectly, there is a tendency of becoming what you should've been. The strengths, weaknesses, personality, love life and even career options, somewhat go against your mind, reflecting this type of people in a sense that is you, ditto, or reflecting like a mirror.

Out of consciousness, maybe you will try to be that kind of people, and improve yourself based solely on that prescription. It's not disturbing at all. Because deep down, like a myth, when someone read a horoscope, or birthday description and also this personality test, the answer will certainly reflects back at you and you'll believe it because of the similarities.

You can't alter yourself.

But it violates one simple rule. Everybody can choose whoever they want to be, as long as something divine or significantly religious is still intact, from my point of view.

A simple test may show who you are, but not who you're supposed to be. It can't cater the responsibility of labelling people, but it does help in understanding oneself. As a guidance, perhaps for someone who is a lost cause. To be impotent or feeble, it is a primary reason to initiate action to improve and be valued.

From the description,

I am maybe an art person trapped in an engineering student body.

But to refute who you are and who you should be - ill, stereotype and typical thought of a normal person may have escaped through the crack of your mind.

1 comment:

shishi the great said...

Spoken like a true INFP :)

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