Thursday, July 25, 2013

The Malay Custom

When it comes to conspiracy theory, Jewish is to be blamed.

We rarely read. Ergo, we rarely think.

I'm older. So I'm wiser.

Back-biting is customary.

We don't dispute whatever fact we encounter. We accept everything wholly.

We are quite racist, to a certain degree.

Ramadhan is equal to Eid.

Giving and contribute to charity lower our values.

You are you, me is me.

Old customs need to be obeyed, despite its flaws.

Malay is Muslim. Muslim is Malay.

Art is only acceptable at primary / grade school level.

BN is government, PR is opposition. When the parliament is disbanded for election, the concept still stay the same. While in fact, during that time, both parties are on equal ground.

Masjid is something we think of on Friday.

Only professional jobs could make a living.

Straight A in exam is above everything.

Redha is obey.

Respect is imposed on people. Not by gaining them.

We are in rage when teacher hits our kids. Even though they are at fault.

We like to shout "Allahuakbar". In almost every event.

Once we get on TV, we are already a celebrity.

Learning thing in English, threatens the position of Bahasa Melayu.

"Negaraku" while sitting down, keep talking etc.

Pig is haraam, alcohol is, closer to halal.

Marriage needs a lot of money.

And more. Care to add any on the comment section.

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